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G2 CannaMold Kits by Purple Rose Supply
Rolling a Cannagar with OTFD420 – Lovedank Blog
Are you a ‘SMOKE LIKE A BOSS’ type 😤🚭..?
How does toking on your own homemade, extract laced, pure bud cigar sound 😁?

The G2 Cannamold Kit from Purple Rose Supply is the device you need💥💯. Available in 2 different capacity sizes – small which holds 3.5 to 7g and large which holds 7 to 14g.
Perhaps as a plug, in an increasingly competitive market, you wish to diversify your menu and start offering Cannagars to your customers? The G2 Cannamold Kit makes it easy 👌
Lovedank received a small courtesy shipment from Purple Rose and of course, @otfd420 was on hand to guinea pig the TING for us 🇬🇳🐖

Rather than review the product as it literally just does what it is supposed to do, we decided to lightheartedly document his experience using it for the first time 😅 Over to you good friend…over to you 🕊.
My Experience Rolling a Cannagar with the G2
Rolling a Cannagar with OTFD420 – Lovedank Blog
So, this is something I have seen posted about a few times, both on Instagram and YouTube. I have also seen multiple posts with people smoking these huge canna cigars and always wanted to try one!
I have tried a different version of a cannagar mould before by another company, but that one didn’t impress me. It was badly made, didn’t lock together great, and just didn’t work. So, when LoveDank wanted me to try out the G2 by Purple Rose Supply, I couldn’t say no. Of course, because of the bad experience I had before, I was a bit sceptical. My worries were unfounded though.

Upon opening this up, I was immediately impressed by the quality. A fair bit of time and effort have gone in to this, that much was obvious! Even the packaging was top notch. In fact, it is a very classy affair, considering its herb smoking paraphernalia!

In the box, you get the mould, plunging tool, a wooden tip and some skewers. Plus a little card explaining it all. The feel of the product is good. It’s a sturdy, solid plastic, no worries about it not fitting together or falling apart. Time to get my weed jar, my grinder and set out to make my first cannagar!

Quick Walk-through on How to Use the G2
Rolling a Cannagar with OTFD420 – Lovedank Blog
So, if you don’t know how to use these, I will attempt a quick walk through on it….
- Firstly, make sure the mould is closed and locked.
- Then you place a skewer into the hole so that it sticks out both ends. Grind your bud and place it above the opening at the top and tap it in.
- Use the plunger to then push the bud down and pack it in tightly. Repeat until full, or you run out of bud.
- Leave to cure for as long as possible.
Remove it from the mould gently, then gently remove the skewer and wrap it in your chosen skin. You now have a cannagar.
Getting on with Rolling it
Rolling a Cannagar with OTFD420 – Lovedank Blog
Anyway, I sat down, got about 4 to 5 grams of bud and ground it up. I placed the skewer stick in the mould and started to pack in my bud. It was a bit tricky at first, I soon got a flow and got the hang of it. I had packed all my bud in. But the thing was still tiny. I mean, way too small. (Having said that I was too worried to open the mould at this point and used the length of the plunger to gauge the length of the cannagar. I could have opened it, as you will see later but because of my caution, I wasn’t really sure of its size.) Probably an inch at best. Damn, I need more bud. The wife looked at me as I pulled the weed jar out: “you’re not putting more in that thing are you?!”

Afternote – When Lovedank first gave me the device, we got the large and small mixed up. So I only had enough bud for the smaller device, but ended up making it in the larger device.
OK, so maybe nearly 5 grams of our good bud is enough to test this thing out, so I got out the salad jar (all the dust and small bits left that I collect into one jar). It was full, very full. Result. Another 3 or 4 grams later, it’s looking more like something worth smoking. I did actually open the mould to check the length at this point, no problems doing this, so you can open to check the length if you’re careful.
So I now I had a two tone cannagar in the mould. It was sticking together, and holding firm, into the cupboard it went to cure.
Three days later I removed it from the mould, got a rizla, and wrapped it up. I used a fair few raw extra wide tips to make a huge roach and tucked it in. I then gently removed the skewer.

It was a week night, and I couldn’t face it that day, so it went back in the cupboard. That was Wednesday. Roll on Friday.
Friday night, I decided to write about the experience as I smoked the cannagar. Below is the first two parts, after that, I think I totally forgot how to spell, or use my phone, I’m not sure which it is to be honest…
Smoking the Cannagar
Rolling a Cannagar with OTFD420 – Lovedank Blog
Part 1 & 2 (before being too stoned)
“Here we go, lighting this fucker up…..OK, I need a blow torch, a lighter won’t cut it. Back with my torch, rizla was not a good idea, the first bit burnt using the blow torch. Crap! Something to be careful with for future outings. Also glad I watched a video reminding me not to inhale when lighting it, as the hole down the middle of the cannagar means you burn your mouth. Please don’t forget when stoned and I need to relight it.
It’s taken a good five minutes to get this going properly, and it is heavenly, well worth the wait. All the flavours of the bud are intensified and its very smooth. It’s burning incredibly slow!! It’s rather crazy how much airflow you get though, as the hole leaves no resistance to your pull at all. Smoke is thick and creamy.
Oh wow, 25 mins in and not even half way, well actually, about half way. Fuck I’m high. Fuck. Taste is still incredible, but I haven’t reached the salad bowl part yet. Its cold, I’ve been outside smoking too long. Going to get a jumper.
Took me five minutes to find a jumper, mainly because I couldn’t decide what jumper would be warmest. I chose well. The cannagar has not gone down. I think it’s gone out. No, no it’s not. Thank fuck, did not want to fuck about trying to light it again. “
Rolling a Cannagar with OTFD420 – Lovedank Blog
The next two or three pages on the note on my phone consisted of odd doodles I didn’t realise I could even do, random words (I think each one, the start of something funny I wanted to tell you), or me saying “I’m so high” in random capitalisation (soMeThIng liKE ThIS). I also lost track of how long it took to smoke, but I think it was about 70 minutes. I do know the salad bowl part was less tasty, although I did get the occasional nice hit.
Rolling a Cannagar with OTFD420 – Lovedank Blog
In all, I think this is an awesome bit of kit. It worked perfectly, and did exactly what it should do, and with no reportable flaws. It’s not something I will use regularly for myself. Probably two or three times a year to be honest, as to fill it, you need up to ten grams or more of good bud (bud density plays a big part here).
If you enjoy a long heavy smoke (who doesn’t), or want to flex at a party, or even go to a gig and take one big smoke with you instead of lots of pre rolled spliffs, this is for you.
In fact, I would say this always worth having in your arsenal if you’re a smoker. This year, my very close and good friends will be treated to a cannagar from me, courtesy of my Purple Rose G2, on their birthdays, and if you see me at an event anytime soon, you can probably bet, I’ll be toking on one I brought with me, rolled in my new favourite bit of kit!
Interested in owning your own kit? You can buy a G2 Cannagar Mold from us by clicking here.

This blogpost was written by @otfd420 and commissioned and edited by Lovedank. We are a stoner shop, selling the finest accessories of the culture.