Imagine you could grow weed for a living. Legally; without the constant anticipation of the old bill turning up with a battering ram, tearing down your nurtured babies and potentially serving jail time.
Weed blog by Lovedank. We are a growing movement championing the industry of happy flower.
Despite the taboos, despite the ridiculous continued criminalisation of a plant ultimately manifested harmlessly within NATURE. Lovedank recognises the vast skills and creativity literally oozing from within this thriving community and culture.
Of course, we are a business too, we need to sell products and make money however this quest is part of our wider dream of fulfilment and utilisation of the gifts that we were born with!
The Lovedank weed blog is still pretty new to the scene having started in summer 2020. So far, we have written blogs on edibles, decarbing, dabbing & indica vs sativa.
We also started an interview series whereby we speak to our friends from the industry such as Headchef and Htown Hemp.
Lovedank is always looking at evolution and ways to improve.
So expect video content very soon. Lots of exciting ideas for 2021.
We plan to head to the underground to speak to some the finest flavour producers and also take part in more interactive activities.
Live dank Lovedank.