Imagine you could grow weed for a living. Legally; without the constant anticipation of the old bill turning up with a battering ram, tearing down your nurtured babies and potentially serving jail time.
Weed Grinder – Lovedank sells some of the best grinders around. From brands such as Headchef, SLX, Ooze and many other masterpieces. We have to mention our latest release also. The Lovedank Origin grinder. One to watch in the competition stakes, certainly!
You literally cannot get by in this world of bud without at LEAST 2 shredders. One larger grinder for keeping at home, catching your kief and generally adding to the accessory collection. And the second, an easy to transport yet smart 2 piece grinder that you can fit nicely in your pocket. When you bring it out, you still want that WOW factor to impress your people them.
Seen a weed grinder that you feel we are missing from our inventory? Click here and send us a message on instagram or alternatively, you can email us: [email protected] with your suggestions. It might very well be easy for us to get what you are looking for. Live dank Lovedank.
After 3 years of celebrating (and of course selling) our favourite brands of dank culture, Lovedank is excited to be able to start developing our own brand products. But don’t worry, we will still continue to keep championing our favourites and offering that crucial selection. In fact, we are looking to start filling some of…